Raft is a survival game where the player has to collect debris from the magical place they spawn from in order to build things, eat, drink, and to survive. As far as I know there is no "Final goal" or a way to complete the game.
The ways you can collect debris are simple:
- With the E key on your keyboard.
- With the left mouse button when using the hook.
The Palm Leaf is really useful for crafting rope, which is for some reason needed for a lot of things.
Planks are super useful for many different seriously important things. Like a hook, or a platform for your raft. They're also good for making furniture or any sort of raft-related building objects.
Plastic is also very useful for building platforms or a hook. It can also be used for other tools like the paddle, and is good for a container of items and some other things.
Scrap can be used for.... I think my friend said torches... I haven't gotten far enough to be able to research any of those things, so I don't think scrap is very useful without a research table.
Stone is.... Useful for something I'm sure. I haven't come across anything it was needed for yet.
Blueprints allow you to make advanced devices or mechanics. You can find them in barrels, and with a research table, you can learn how to craft tougher things.
Shark Attack:
This is what a normal shark attack looks like...
And this is what a stubborn one looks like... The shark I guess didn't care that there was literally a board on the side it wanted to attack that platform on, so it attacked it anyways, I guess.
My Raft:
And this is what my raft looked like when I signed off. I'm assuming I needed a photo of how the raft looks when you start, but I forgot, so basically when you just start out there's only four platforms that the shark can destroy at anytime whether you're standing on it or not(learned that the hard way), and a hook for grabbing debris. If anything, this image is a look at what you can achieve in an hour and a bit. This was done in one class so, given I did actually die once this time.